Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Weapons (Melee)

  • Little while since my last update but glad to finally have something for you all before the Christmas break.
  • Weapons are being broken down into the three categories that they are used - Melee, Ranged and Thrown. At the moment only the Melee weapons are finialised.
  • Similar to the Armor control, the Melee Weapons control asks for the weapon to be entered.
  • A option is available for quality similar to armor showing the enchantment bonus. This is added to the bonuses which is a clickable field to show the different scores.
  • Like other controls I have tried to automate as much as possible, which requires input from how the weapon is to be wielded in most cases.
  • The options of how to wield the weapon included one-handed, two-handed, Two weapon fighting (with option of primary (light), primary, off-hand), double weapon (primary and off-hand) and natural attack options. Many of these options cannot be selected unless the weapon is allowed to be wielded this way.
  • The BAB progression is then updated based on how the weapon is being wielded such as only one attack allowed for a natural weapon.
  • All feats which affect weapons a checked against and applied against the bonus / progression or damage for the weapon. Such that if character does not have the improved two-weapon fighting feat, then they only get one attack with the off-hand weapon; or if they have the weapon focus feat they gain +1 to attack.
  • Profiencies are also checked and penalaties applied.
  • The damage is split into damage from the weapon, the damage gained from other sources such as strength bonus. This field is clickable to show the different scores.
  • The control also handles the weapon size being changed, adjusting the weapon damage based on a weapon of medium size to the currently selected size.
  • If I have missed anything for this control, please let me know as usual.

Friday, November 27, 2009


  • Finally I have managed to created a Demo of the application for you all to view. The demo can be downloaded at Please let me know of any installation issues with the program.
  • If an error occurs, a log will be created in the program directory. Can you please either send me the two errorlog.* files or a screen shot of the error that has occured so that I may correct.
  • Otherwise if you have any comments of suggestions feel free to let me know and I'll take them onboard. The application is still very much in progress.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Worn Equipment

  • This section was inspired by the magic item record sheet from the Magic Item Compendium in 3.5, however with pathfinder there is more slots then 3.5
  • Each slot outside of Armor and Shields allows you to entered in the details of an item and the weight it applicable.
  • If the item entered is longer then the field length, then the tooltip shows the full item. I thought about making this a smaller field but found this size was the best.
  • Armor and shields instead of entering a item, have a drop down of the available armors split into their types.
  • When selected, the armor value, max dex, check penality, spell failure and speed are all automaically updated.
  • The quality of the armor / shield can be selected which updates the armor value and check penalty.
  • Those items can be updated again incase their is an additional property such as mithral that effects the values.
  • So to record any special materials and magic enchantments, I added an additional properties field to have them shown.
  • The wrist slot allows bracers of armor and has a field to enter this in an AC value.
  • This items are then checked against when working out the AC for the character.
  • Currently items do not update any other part of the character sheet, so an headband of inspiration would need be manually added to the wisdom score for the character for example.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Combat Modifiers

  • Combat modifiers covers off most of the combat related aspects of a character: Initiative, Base Attack Bonus, Combat bonuses (melee and ranged attack progression, Combat Manevurer bonuses), Armor Class values and Movement.

  • Initiative is based on the characters dexerity score and if they have the improved initiative feat which is added as a misc bonus.

  • Base attack progression is calculated on the characters levels they have gained as setup in the level progression area. This is then used to determine the Melee and Ranged attack progression.

  • Any feature that improves a attack progression is added to the misc score, otherwise the breakdown of ability modifier, size modifer and 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc attack is shown and cannot be changed.

  • Combat Manevurer bonuses are set based on the pathfinder rules.

  • Both CMB and CMD that have any misc bonuses added to them and can be seen indivually when clicked. These include Armor Training for fighters, and AC Bonus for Monks.

  • For CMB, if the character has the agile manevures feat, dex is used instead of str, so this is shown for reference and alters the ability modifier. And if a monk, the monk's level is used instead of the BAB value.

  • Armor Class is broken down into the various values required i.e. With Shield, no Shield, Flat Footed and Touch AC. Uncanny dodge is updated if gained from a class feature, and the flat footed AC adjusted accordingly.

  • The armor worn by the character determines the armor bonus. This is set in the worn equipment section and cannot be changed.

  • The armor worn also sets the max dexterity score that can be used. This is also adjusted by class abilities such as fighter armor training.

  • A section is given for natural armor and deflection bonuses, as well as any misc bonuses gained from other sources.

  • Movement section first sets up the total movement speed based on the characters size, and then checked against the speed of armor worn. If the character has the Slow and Steady rule (such as being a dwarf, this is taken into account).

  • The rate at which the character can run is then calculated on the armor worn (adjusted by armor training for fighters).

  • Any feature that improves a character speed such as fast movement from monk and barbarian are added as misc scores.

  • The other speed types are also given and are updated if the character gains that type of speed from a source such as sorcerer bloodlines.

  • Any others conditional modifiers for any of the option are listed as well.

Health and Saves

  • Like the previous page, this section covers a more than one aspect of a character: Health (Hit Points, Damage Reductions, Energy Resistances and Immunities), and Saves.
  • The hit points are generated automatically by the system. This is based on the characters consitition bonus, and hit points gained by levels and any additional item such as favoured class benefit, toughness feat and a Toad familiar. All are set individually and shown when clicked.
  • Other hit point values (current hit points, nonlethal damange) have been added for reference that are saved with the character.
  • This is the first section to actually quote some of the rules, as I've found that it can get confusing about how much damage you have actually taken when dealing with nonleathal damage.
  • Damage reductions, energy resistances and immunities are also automatically populated based on class abilities such as sorcerer bloodlines.
  • Saves are split into base save, ability modifier, and misc bonus to give a total.
  • Any feature that gives a permenant bonus to a save is automatically added to the misc bonus section. This includes feats, racial features, and class abilities. All are individually set and can be seen when clicked.
  • Like abilities, a temp score is also available to be entered which override the total with this score.
  • If the character gains evasion or improved evasion from a class feature, this is automatically updated.
  • A section for spell resistance is also present which can be gained from some class features, otherwise is entered manually.
  • Some class features also improved a characters vision, this are automatically set as well.
  • A character can gain many conditional modifiers to saves. These are all automatically shown for the character based on their race and any class feature that gives one.
  • The biggest flaw with this screen is that damage reduction, energy resistances, immunities and vision cannot be manually entered if the character gains it from another source such as an item. I am still devising a way to correct this.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Skills, Proficiences and Languages

  • This section is the first to show more than one part of a character, mainly due to the other options not requiring much space.
  • Skills take up the main part of this section, and an expanded list of skills is given. Expanded as in even craft, profession and perform skill option is shown.
  • Class skills are automatically set based on the class, and any addition class feature that may treat a skill as a class skill like bardic knowledge for bards, or sorcerer bloodlines.
  • Each skill requires ranks to be entered, and these cannot exceed the maxium skill ranks for the level, and cannot be more then the total skill points available.
  • A miscellanous value can be assigned to a skill. Some are automatically added from feats (like skill focus) or classes. If skill focus, then the increase is checked against the number of ranks and is increased. Otherwise a score can be entered manually.
  • Languages are built up automatically from ones automatically given from race, and then bonus one based on the characters intelligence score.
  • A column shows where the languaged was gained from, either be it R from race and cannot be changed (as shown in orange) B for bonus, and S from linguistic skill.
  • When the language is selected for a bonus language, its checked against the list available for the race.
  • Druidic is the only language that can be selected.
  • The total languages are displayed for reference.
  • Proficiences are split into generic and then specific proficiencies. This are updated from classes and feats.


  • Feats are shown in order they are gained from
  • This includes bonus feats from races, feats gained at levels, and bonus feats gained by classes.
  • Some feats added in this way cannot be changed and are shown as orange in the grid.
  • When selecting a feat, its listed in order of normals feats, item creation feats, metamagic, then monster feats.
  • Each feat is checked against its prerequisite if it has any. This includes other feats, Base Attack bonus, ability score, proficincy in a skill etc etc....
  • If if a feat is selected for a class i.e monk or ranger, then its limited source is checked first, and then if the feat still is required to check prerequisties, then that is done so.
  • Feats that require a choice will be prompted for that choice from either a list of weapons, skills of spell schools as required. This includes feats that cannot be changed gained above. The feat choice is then showed in brackets.

  • This meant I had to rename some feats slightly like improved critical to improved weapon critical.
  • The basic detail of the feats are then shown on the right and cannot be changed.
  • I really liked the way I did this as it shows you exactly how and when you obtained a feat.

Class Options - Wizard

  • Wizards require an Arcane bond to be selected, in which either a item bond or familiar is gained. When either option is shown, a drop down is made visible to select from a list.
  • Advanced familairs can only be selected if the feat has been chosen.
  • If not a Universalst, then two opposition schools are required to be entered.
  • If a Transmuater, then the phsyical enchancement bonus is required to be entered, and this automatically updates the attributes section.
  • Bonuses feats are automatically added to the feats section as well, similar to fighters.

Class Options - Sorcerer

  • Sorcerers bloodlines can add a variety of different options based on the blood line chosen.
  • If Draconic or Elemental, then a type is required to be chosen.
  • The Arcane bloodline requires a class skill, school and arcane bond to be chosen, in which are displayed when the blood line is selected.
  • The arcane bond options are the same as wizard

Class Options - Rogue

  • Babarians only require rogue talents to be chosen, to this effect the talents s are listed in a drop down for selection.
  • Only at the level they obtain a rage power, can a rage power be selected.
  • Rogues have advanced talents that can be selected only once the rogue has reached level 10, otherwise cannot be selected.

Class Options - Ranger

  • Rangers require the most choices out of the 11 classes, but only gain this options as they gain levels
  • Similar to fighter weapon groups, favoured enemies and favoured terrain options allow the choice to be selected, while displaying the level they gain the option, and the bonus they gain.
  • Hunters bond allows a animal companion to be selected, and a list of animal companions are shown

Class Options - Paladin

  • Paladins first receive mercy's at 3rd level, in which then this can be selected.
  • At 4th level they channel postive energy. This option is shown for reference.
  • At 5th level they then gain a Divine Bond, and an option is made visible to choose.

Class Options - Monk

  • Monks do not require any choice to be made, so I display the increasing abilities that a monk gains with levels.

Class Options - Fighter

  • Fighters are required to choose weapon groups in which they gain bonuses for as their level increases
  • The weapon group is available to be selected from a dropdown inside the grid, with the level and bonus increase shown for reference.
  • At 20th level a fighter gains weapon mastery, where a drop down is made visible to choose the weapon.
  • The bonus feats gained by fighter levels are automatically handled in the feats section.

Class Options - Druid

  • Druids nature bond allows either an animal companion or domain to be selected.
  • If the animal companion is selected, a drop down is made visible to show the animals available as shown on the cleric post.
  • Domains are limited to a selection and show the power and what level they gain it at, the same as clerics

Class Options - Cleric

  • The main cleric options are to select the domains, however if a neutral cleric, the type of channel energy needs to be selected.
  • Some domains like the animal domain give extra options, in this case an animal companion. A drop down becomes visible if this domain is selected and a animal companion can be selected.
  • Each domain grants powers as you gain levels, the powers and the level they are gained at are shown for reference.

Class Options - Bard

  • Bards do not require any features to be chosen, so I have instead listed the inspire bonuses for reference.
  • I have also listed the total number of bardic perfomances a bard can do.

Class Options - Babarian

  • Babarians only require rage powers to be chosen, to this effect the rage powers are listed in a drop down for selection.
  • Only at the level they obtain a rage power, can a rage power be selected.
  • If the power has a prerequisite, this is checked, and the power not allowed if does not meet the requirements.
  • I've also put the total rage rounds for reference.

Class Options

  • Class options is a section I left for some time as I wanted to get the other sections working before delving into what each class affected. The section is designed to choose the different options available for each class.
  • Only the classes that have been selected in page 3 can be accessed. The order of the classes is determined by the order in which the class were entered i.e Rogue then Fighter.
  • The features for selection are determined on the class level for that class. Higher level features are only displayed when the class is found to have sufficient level.
  • Each page displays a grid with the special abilities for the class. Only the features available for the class level are shown.
  • If the class has a feature that requires a choice at a periodic level, these are displayed in the grid along with the classes special abilities. If the options can only be selected as determined by the class, and check for any prerequisites it may require such as class level.
  • Other class features that are either a one time choice, or add new features based on the class level, are shown next to the grid. Class features such such as Domains, Bloodlines and Wizard Schools display the features based on the class level. Others class features such as Favoured Enemies and Weapon Groups, require a selection to be made, but are automatically updated based on the order they were entered.
  • Classes that do not require any option to be chosen, still display the grid as well as other relevant information
  • If the class feature adds a feat or improved a skill or gives the character another ability, this is handled in the relevant section.
  • I'll be posting screen shots of each class at level 10 to see the different options available.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Level Progression

  • The level progression section is based on an excel spreadsheet I made to see how my characters above 1st level would have come about when it came to hit and skill points as well as their other features. Pathfinder added the concept of favoured class which allowed an addition +1 hit or skill point based on if the class selected was the same as the favoured class selected.
  • The yellow columns indicate the areas that can be entered, with a class checking against the alignment prerequisites associated.
  • The first level always receives max hit points, so this is why it is indicated in orange. Otherwise the roll for the level is entered. These values are then used in the Health & Saves section.
  • The favoured class benefit can only be entered if the class is the favoured class. If the benefit is +1 hit point, then the amount is included again in the Health & Saves section. If the benefit is +1 skill point, then it is added to the total skill points column which includes any intelligence modifier (which is shown for reference)
  • This section also includes the level ability bonuses gained at every 4th level. An attribute is required to be entered, and the attributes on page 1 are updated in accordance.
  • Both the level progression and level ability bonuses can be reset, allowing new values to be entered.


  • This page is used to set the different description options available to characters, and allow an additional description to be entered
  • The ranges for age, height and weight are shown based for the race to give the user an idea of what they should be putting for the character.

Race & Attributes

  • As can be seen, this section is used to set the race & attributes and other details of any character at time of creation.
  • Attributes can be entered in manually, or when no class levels have been entered, rolled for using the system setup in preferences. Either way enteres in a base score for the attribute.
  • Temp scores can be also entered that the program checks to use when an attribute is required for another section.
  • When the race is changed, the racial traits are shown as a reference for the user. If the race is human or half-elf, the screen gives the ability to select the attribute to update, or the 2nd favoured class respectivly.
  • Otherwise if the race has an racial modifier to an attribute, this is updated automatically and cannot be changed. Any feature a character may have that alters an attribute is handled in a similar manner.
  • When the character has levels as setup in the level progression section, the total class level is shown, and the tool tip displays the breakdown of each class and level.


The program has a few preferences used throughout that are mostly default options that I found required to be available to be changed, rather then hardcoded.

The program has the ability to create ability scores based on either the Standard, Classic or Heoric settings as per the pathfinder rule book. The reroll 1's is an addition feature used as a house rule in my gaming group.

Character advancement is used to determine the XP for next level based off the characters current level.

Each world may have a variety of "common" languages, so I provide an default option for when a common language is selected, that the program prompts for the choice of common language.

Fractional progression was introduced in Unearthed Arcana. It uses a system that for each class base save, it is broken down into fractions, so that multi-class characters may gain a increase slightly earlier when two fractions add up. I have included this as we still use this rule at my gaming group from time to time.

The last option was introduced to allow users to compare different characters option quickly staying on the same section rather then defaulting back to the first - Race & Attributes.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Each section of the program is displayed on a picture I found on the paizo blog.

The Open Gaming Licence details are accessed from the help menu, as is the about screen that is shown as the splash screen.

The different sections available are displayed in the top left, and the list of saved characters is display in the bottom left. When a section is selected, the options for that section are displayed.

The effect is a transparent form, but is actually an visual illusion I learnt.
Some items can be drilled down into, so that the different scores can be entered. I allow for 6 different scores to be entered either manually, or entered via the program based on a option for that character that cannot be changed. I also allow for the type of score to be entered eg. enchantment, inherit, etc... The total score checks for these different types and uses the highest value of each type (if present) unless it is a dodge bonus.

By default if there is no score with a type associated with it, then the types are not shown. The 'Show Type" checkbox can be clicked to show the types. If there is a score with a type, this checkbox is selected automatically and the types shown.

Pathfinder Character Creation Program


I've always disliked updating paper character sheets for my role playing when either creating or leveling a character. I streem lined this process by using a level progression excel spreadsheet that I made up, but never had it in me to create a character sheet in excel itself. So I went looking for already done ones.

I stumbled across a great pdf saveable sheet at which I found better then any excel sheet around. However being a saveable pdf, it requires a full version of adobe to save and use all its functionality. The creator though has gone into 4th Ed, so the 3.5 version has become out to date.

I looked at editing this but found it quite annoying, so looked around for other programs to use to no avail. So as a software developer myself I decided to create my own program in the language I know best - Visual Fox Pro

Program Overview.

Pathfinder has streemlined a lot of the rules from 3.5, but there is still a lot of options that affect one or mutiple aspect of a character. This program is designed to automate as many of those options, so that the user doesn't have to remember everything.

The program strictly adhers to the Paizo Publishing Community Use Policy described at http://paizo,com/communityuse. The splash screen indicates this:

The program is split into sections for ease of use, rather then trying to cram everything onto a single screen. The sections as per this post are:
  1. Race & Attributes

  2. Description

  3. Level Progression

  4. Class Options

  5. Feats

  6. Skills & Proficiencies

  7. Health & Saves

  8. Combat Modifiers

  9. Weapons

  10. Worn Equipment

Each section has a variety of options available to be manually updated, or shown for reference automatically updated by the program.

Many items allow a drill down so that each score that makes up the item can be recorded.

Blog Creation

Hi, and welcome to my blog.

This is where I plan on putting my blog about my Pathfinder RPG character creation program.